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Trus-Way Trus-Way. manufactures the best quality custom roof trusses for the home construction industry. We start with the finest raw materials, working only with lumber mills that consistently meet our finest quality standards. The equipment in each of our production plants is state-of-the-art, ensuring accuracy and efficiency throughout the truss construction process. And we currently have experience on our side.
Reviews (4)
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Tony Vasquez
Oct 11, 2021
This place is a joke I mean overall customer service, contact for change in scheduling, showing up unannounced 2 1/2 hours early I don't understand how they expect to continue to run a company. If it wasn't for me calling to confirm the delivery time for Tuesday morning the night before they would've never called and told me that it was full on canceled then when they finally do reschedule it do they call and tell when no of course not so finally was able to reach someone to confirm the new date and time then they end up showing up 2 1/2 hours early should've made them sit there for 2 1/2 hours! I will never use this company again this is not the first time they have done me dirty!
Apd Pdx
Dec 28, 2020
Worst experience ever! A couple years ago we had a truss package on order with trus-way, through our lumber provider, and trus-way decided that they had to "delay" our trusses for 6-8 weeks, with no explanation. (mind you this was in 2018-19, so no lumber supply issue or covid related situation) This affected at least 20-30 other orders that our lumber supplier had with them as well.

Our lumber company, salesman, and myself were naturally very disappointed with how they treated their customers. I chalked it up to a learning experience and found a better vendor in OREGON TRUSS and now we are happily living in our custom home with OREGON TRUSS trusses overhead. ( i am in no way affiliated with Oregon Truss, but i do have a new dog in the fight that has inspired me to expose the absurdity that is trus-way and their extortion-like tactics and treacherous way of doing business) Fast forward to this spring 2021.

A close church friend is currently building a custom home and had recently received a quote from trus-way for about $25k, not bad and seemed fair, especially considering the current supply and demand environment. He was about ready to order trusses so he submitted to have his quote filled and they upped the price on him to $35k, Okay, it was about a month old quote and outside the "guaranteed" quote price, he was satisfied with the almost 30% increase and went ahead and moved forward on it.

Then shortly thereafter, he was informed his order was going to be delayed, another deferral to "supply and demand" issues. However, when they came back with a delivery date they also let him know prices had gone up again! (mind you, the spike in lumber prices peaked earlier this year and are actually beginning to come down) The price they re-quoted him for trusses now? $60k+!

They doubled their price! When my friend asked the salesman about how that is even possible he just received a threat that if he cancelled his order and came back later that the prices would be even higher for him! Threats? Extortion? Treacherous practices? I am disappointed and appalled that this company can get away with treating their customers like this and strongly encourage homebuilders to look elsewhere for business. Parr Lumber owns trusway, They should look a little closer into how it is being managed.

The high price gouging that is being inflicted upon their current customer base will not last forever and karma is a B*. I hope that my long diatribe helps someone else out there to avoid the same pitfalls of myself and my friend. Look elsewhere for your trusses, and maybe somewhere else for your lumber, neither Trus-way or Parr seem to take serious the importance of customer service and loyalty. In my experience
Lin Acosta
Dec 08, 2020
Great company to work for! Supervisor is a rockstar! Competitive pay and good atmosphere! Thank you!
William J. Sobolewski
Nov 23, 2013
I ordered over $1,500 in trusses for a 22 ft. x 22 ft. garage in Camas, Washington. As ordered, the customer quote, layout, and engineering drawings showed a 2x6 bottom chord for storage. Through a mix-up in communication, when the trusses were delivered, the bottom chord of trusses consisted of a 2 x 6 at mid-section and two 2 x 4 butted at each end.

When I contacted the sales person, the sales person offered to correct the error but offered no compensation for the delay in the project. I said this was unacceptable and requested that the trusses be removed and requested a full refund of the purchase price. I wrote a letter to the President of the company explaining the problem which occurred. Steve Turner who is the owner and president of the company requested that I meet with him to discuss the problem. Mr. Turner was very understanding and apologized for the mistake. Though I did not expect any compensation for the mistake, he gave me a check for $300. We both left the meeting in good terms.